Campfire is a participation project for people for whom the arts do not play an active role in their day to day life, but who would relish an opportunity to be creative. The project sees Barrel Organ and participants collaborate together to build skills & confidence and to create a simple yet groundbreaking piece of performance where a story is told from entirely within the audience!
Barrel Organ are currently collaborating with Doncaster Mind to deliver a 20-week programme building towards a celebratory performance event at Cast.
This work has been made possible by awards from Postcode Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
“The reason your approach works so well for our service-users is that you come here and you really listen – they are not used to the idea that what they have to say is worthwhile but you listening to them and putting their words and ideas into a creative outlet makes them feel hugely valued.”